You are the sole perpetrator of your fate—your body and mind are the vessels that enable you to act out your destiny.
Taking good care of them should then be of the utmost importance if you want to live your best life.
When you’re constantly filling your mind and body with unhealthy information, junk food, and perform bad habits that don’t serve you, then don’t be surprised when you’re finally forced to take an objectively disheartening look at life.
Thankfully it doesn’t have to be this way.
You alone hold the power to take care of your body and mind. Decide to take the steps to become the best advocate for your greatest good. Make it your mission to save yourself from feeling future regret.
Life: The Gift that Keeps on Giving
Your body and mind are temporary, so it’s imperative to never take them for granted. Take excellent care of your ship and it will run smoothly, or allow your ship to fall into disarray and get destroyed in a truly spectacular fashion.
A few weeks ago I was in a coffee shop and I saw a man with no arms order a coffee a somehow balance it on his stubs. His chipper attitude was infectious.
His tenacity left an impression on me. Even though he had such a difficult disability, he didn’t let it get him down, he just seemed so happy to be alive.
It is the natural human tendency to focus on the negative (as evolution has instilled a negative bias to our psyche).
We can counter this negative bias however through gratitude. Be grateful for what you have, and shift your focus away from the things you don’t have. This constant seeking of your unfulfilled desires is a recipe for suffering.
Maybe your life isn’t where you want it to be right now, and that’s totally fine. The first step to making an impactful change is to accept reality for what it is and shift your habits to work towards your best life.
Inputs to Generate the Greatest Outcomes
I’ve made this point before in previous blogs but it is particularly relevant to this topic.
If you position your life to have good “inputs” and apply self-care relentlessly,
- Eating healthy food
- Consuming useful information
- Consistently exercising
- Strategically working towards goals
- Dailed in skin-care routine
You’re setting yourself up to have the greatest possible outcomes.
- Having high energy
- Producing creative thoughts
- Attaining a beautiful body
- Achieving your goals
- Flawless and glowing skin
This is why it is so important to focus on the inputs.
If you are mindlessly consuming things that you don’t even know are bad for the development of your character thenyou are losing without even knowing.
Modern society promotes instant gratification ubiquitously.
For this reason it is absolutely imperative that you discern between what feels good and what is actually good for you.
Life is like chess and each move you make is a part of a bigger strategy.
Do you want to constantly blunder or instead take control and make strategic moves that’ll impact your life in a positive way?
The Self-Care Revolution
In the face of a society that values instant gratification, unwavering focus on self-care and personal development is a revolutionary act.
We have a special opportunity that past generations couldn’t even fathom. Virtually infinite information on how to take the best care of ourselves, access to the best healthcare, high quality supplements, and tools to leverage and supercharge our self-development journey.
You have the choice to either blindly follow the pursuit of pleasure, or to take an objective look at how to take the greatest care of yourself in the long-term.
Become relentless in your pursuit for a better you, and I promise you will not be disappointed.
The Infinite ROI of Self-Care
There is no limit to how much you can invest in yourself. It has a literal infinite rate-of-investment (ROI). There is not enough time on earth to take advantage of the gifts that modern life has to offer.
Obviously there are many things that require a monetary investment: eating healthy, high-quality supplements, expensive gym memberships, skin-care products… the list could go on and on but it is beside the point.
There are plenty of “free” things that are amazing self-care activities,
- Exercising is free
- Most education is free (thanks internet)
- Not participating in self-sabotage is free
Know that whenever you treat yourself to some self-care, it is never going to waste. Obviously don’t delude yourself into thinking everything is a treat to yourself if objectively it is not, this line of thinking is sure to bring you more suffering than anything else.
Above All, Don’t Lie to Yourself
“Above all, don’t lie to yourself. The man who lies to himself and listens to his own lie comes to a point that he cannot distinguish the truth within him, or around him, and so loses all respect for himself and for others. And having no respect he ceases to love.”
I’ve come across many young people assume the following:
- “I have so much time”
- “I can consume unhealthy things because I’m young”
- “I’ll take care of my health when I’m older”
These are foolish assumptions. The best time to start isn’t when you’re 35 and busy with a family and unhealthy, reminiscing of your younger days, not totally satisfied with your life—the best time to start was yesterday.
So if you’re unhappy with how things are now, accept it and make small changes everyday to shift your life’s trajectory in a positive direction.
And if you are older, know that it is never too late to start.