Becoming the CEO of Main Character Energy

Becoming the CEO of Main Character Energy
Table of Contents


    Your life is unfolding right now, page by page, chapter by chapter.

    But here’s the fascinating part: you’re not just the protagonist of this tale—you’re also holding the pen.

    Like books on a vast library shelf, each human life tells a unique story. While our plots may intersect, no two narratives are exactly alike. Isn’t that remarkable?

    In a world of billions, your story remains distinctly yours.

    None of us were given a manual, none of us really know the answer to it all, yet here we all are.

    Each moment is a blank page waiting to be filled. Some people let others write their stories, content to remain side characters in their own lives. But I sense you’re different.

    By finding your way here, you’ve already shown you’re ready to take control of your narrative.

    In this blog, we’ll explore how to step into your power as both the hero and author of your life.

    Self-Awareness: What Connects Us All

    I am willing to bet my life that each person has a different way of looking at things, even if it’s to the most infinitesimal degree.

    Our entire perception is colored by our memories and experiences, which go on to fuel our subconscious beliefs and desires, leading to different types of behavior and action patterns. Conscious actions are commonly dictated by logic and driven by emotion, and this is where the rubber meets the road and we can breathe self-awareness into our life.

    • How aware are you of your own self if you have to rate it on a scale of 1-10?
    • Are you aware of every muscle spasm, breath, wandering thought, or rush of emotion?
    • Or are you the type of person that hasn’t really thought about it and lives life on autopilot?

    Now the level you’re at now doesn’t matter, as we can always reach the top of the mountain, but it’s important to take stock of where you’re at right now.

    Because we can always ‘become aware’ of the present moment, there are infinite ways to get there: meditation (namely the practice of deliberate awareness to each sensation), entering a flow state and becoming completely immersed into an activity or being there for someone, the list goes on.

    When you’re living intentionally and cultivating awareness, you will be set free to live life on your own terms.

    The main takeaway here is to recognize that you already have an incredibly strong power to become mindful of the present moment, while reducing the amount of things that drive you closer to mindlessness (E.g. doomscrolling) and using the power of your conscious energy to focus on inputs that get you what you want out of life.

    Intentional Living: The Antidote to Mindlessness

    Take a moment to reflect on how you live your daily life.

    Many among us are doing the bare minimum, simply getting by so that we can live a “comfortable” life. However this complacency is the main opponent to our personal growth.

    Instead we must be intentional in setting goals and acting upon them if we ever want a chance in achieving them.

    Now this is totally up to you and I wouldn’t blame you if you prefer the comfortable road, but if you’ve read this far I don’t think that’s the type of person that you are.

    To relish in the best that life has to offer, we must be relentlessness creators.

    You don’t have to be to be a tyrannical dictator and get up at 5AM and go directly into a cold plunge (unless that’s what you want), but you’ll need to do some planning if you’d ever like to get what you want in a timely manner.

    1. Write down on a piece of paper or phone what you did during the day
    2. During the night before you go to sleep write down what you want to get done
    3. Write out your list of goals and put it in a place you will see it constantly

    These three things will help you immensely and prime your conscious and subconscious for success. Be sure to revisit your lists as needed. Once you make the decision to live your life intentionally, then you can start to take charge of your destiny.

    Relationship Dynamics: Why Other People Make Life Worth Living

    We humans are social creatures, yet many among us can find socializing kind of difficult.

    But it doesn’t have to be this way, because meaningful relationships are a major key to life.

    The internet has made it easier to foster para-social relationships, but it also gives the unique opportunity to connect with anyone around the world with an internet connection. This ultimately comes down to how you use it.

    Being a main character is not about being a narcissistic asshole or a social pariah that lives out their days in a shack but simply realizing that we all need each other, and other people need us.

    • Does your social circle add or takeaway from your vision?
    • Are you attracting good people or bad people into your life?

    Be honest with yourself, because you owe it to yourself to protect your peace if that’s what is needed to achieve your dreams in life.

    I implore you to flock to those who will ‘coauthor’ meaningful stories with you, and not those who will lead you astray and cause your story to end tragically. The key here is to build a social circle that makes sense for you, and to try to help others with their journey. In the end, the law of reciprocity and goodwill compounds and will improve your life immensely.

    Environment Dynamics: Set Yourself Up for Success

    Take a look around—does your current environment empower you, or does it drain your energy? Are the physical spaces you occupy conducive to focus, creativity, and growth? Or do they cultivate distraction, lethargy, and stagnation?

    This saying “as above, so below” totally applies here, because the way your environment is setup will dictate your behavior. If you have a workspace or home that is completely disorganized and chaotic how can you expect to get anything of substance done.

    I find that having art, quotes, and a clean apartment full of things that inspire me are a key for me to being more successful and this is where you can be as creative as you like.

    Additionally, your environment also includes the type of people in it, which goes back to the previous section. Are these people setting you up for success or for failure? This is a question you have to constantly ask yourself.

    You must be deliberate in the type of environment you cultivate for yourself at every level, the city you live in, the dwelling you reside, and the more thought you put into your environment the more success you will find.

    Advanced Main Character Strategies

    Taking Calculated Risks

    I’ll tell you what changed my whole life: I finally discovered that it’s all risky. The minute you got born it got risky. If you think trying is risky, wait until they hand you the bill for not trying.

    Jim Rohn

    Any meaningful endeavor in life is not without risk.

    Stepping out of your apartment is a risk just as jumping out of a plane with no parachute is risky. Now the likelihood of success is what varies.

    We calculate risk constantly and sometimes this can become the source of our fear. However regardless of what happens in a situation you will have to accept the outcome, but by accepting risk you inadvertently take pressure off of yourself.

    Everyone loves an underdog story and this is the type of energy that can set you apart from the rest. Having something to prove, believing in your success even when the cards are down. Regardless of the risks you remain steadfast and unbreakable in pursuit of your goals.

    Embracing Plot Twists

    I would be remiss not to mention the effects that plot twist can have on our lives.

    There exists a randomness about the universe which will often test your resolve, but the key to overcoming it is to simply go with it. The commonly used phrase “go with the flow” is most applicable here, as we must strive to be flexible as we try to bring order to even the most chaotic moments of our lives.

    Learning from Character Development

    Imagine yourself when you were a child, have you remained the same or have you undergone tremendous change?

    I’d assume the former rather than the latter is true, but it even applies to who you were 1 year ago, even 1 week ago. Now I understand it’s difficult to see things clear in such a small time frame as you can in retrospect, but it’s the truth.

    Are you able to see flaws in your character? Or do you prefer to see them as a part of your ‘quirky’ personality. Whatever you do, understand that we can always change our character, nothing is set in stone. Your personality can be changed when you are deliberate in learning from past mistakes.

    Creating Memorable Scenes in Everyday Life

    Life is filled with such immense beauty, even the seemingly mundane or difficult parts can give life meaning.

    A trip the coffee shop doesn’t need to be a laborious chore, but rather a wonderful gift that can be cherished. Spending time with a friend or loved ones, even if you’re not doing anything, can be the most wonderful when you are fully immersed in the experience.

    You don’t need to see the world in rose colored glasses and ignore the bad in the world, but you don’t need to fixate on it.

    I’d rather be optimistic and wrong than pessimistic and right.

    Elon Musk

    When we have our mind on autopilot, where thoughts and emotions cloud the amazing things that are right in front of us is when we suffer the most. Your desire for things to be different, neurotically thinking through scenarios, not allowing your mind to be at peace holds you back from attaining your true potential.

    Strive to see each passing moment as a gift and realize that life is a movie and the quality it is entirely up to you.

    Some movies are great, others boring and long forgotten, so which one do you prefer?

    Common Pitfalls to Avoid

    People Worship

    There are many great people in the world, some lead incredibly luxurious and interesting lives but even the greatest among us have shortcomings.

    Social media has made it easy to only show the highlight reel of your life, showing only what you want others to see while strategically not showing the more difficult parts of life.

    While it’s okay to look to others for inspiration you should know that worshipping someone else’s life is not a worthwhile endeavor, because it creates a false sense of reality. You owe it to yourself to know that while we make mistakes, we can constantly work to becoming the type of person that will make us proud, that should be your goal. Not to solely impress other people, but to impress yourself.

    Toxic Main Character Syndrome

    Another name for this could be narcissism—believing that you are the main character and the most important person in the world. This is not true in any case. Naturally you are important but it is a relative thing, in the grand scheme of the world your existence is quite small, but that shouldn’t discourage you but rather take some of the pressure off.

    Performative VS. Authentic Living

    If you are living only to show other people how cool you are, you are not really living. You are being a clown. Sure, sometimes you have to ‘perform’ and put on a mask in social situations to navigate it, but your goal should be to be living as authentically as possible as to not get your priorities mixed up in the wrong places.

    If you are not living for yourself, and for the betterment of your own life and your loved ones, where you instead focus on how people perceive you rather than how it actually is in reality, then you are sorely mistaken.

    Authenticity cannot be faked, and I promise your life will be much better if you are focused on living authentically rather than performatively, so be sure to take care of yourself in this aspect.

    Balance Between Self-Focus and Community

    Being a main character doesn’t mean living only for yourself, but it also doesn’t mean that you should sideline yourself and have your community and social circle dictate everything in your life.

    Finding a balance between focusing on yourself and serving others is a key here, because life is so much more worth living when you can have a loving and supportive community around you.


    You’ve reached the end, but your life’s story is only just beginning.

    Now you’re well on your way into becoming the CEO of main character energy.

    Now the stage is set. It’s time to step into the spotlight and let your brilliance shine.

    Some key takeaways:

    • Embrace your unique story
    • Live your life as authentically as possible
    • Inspire others to step into their own spotlight

    Yes, there will be challenges and plot twists ahead. But approach each new chapter with resilience, flexibility and optimism. Lean into the unpredictability, knowing every twist is an opportunity to grow.

    Most importantly, refuse to be a supporting player in your own life. This is your moment. The pen is in your hand, the stage is yours. It’s time to write the next chapter.

    The world is waiting to be inspired by the one and only main character of you life—you.