Steal What Works And Make It Your Own

Steal What Works And Make It Your Own


There so much knowledge available to you, almost to the extent of it being overwhelming.

But when you know what you want out of your life, your path becomes clear.

We all have problems—thankfully the solutions are plentiful.

Take a moment, ponder the vast history of the world, and realize the answers to your problems have existed before:

  • Making money
  • Getting physically and mentally fit
  • Maintaining healthy relationships
  • Finding a partner
  • Finding purpose/fulfillment

These are common problems that humanity has contended with for millennia.

(Obviously these problems will differ cross-culturally but that is beside the point.)

How to Steal

When you see something you like, figure out how they did it—then figure out how to do it for yourself.

And no, I am not saying go out and be a copycat. Nothing of the sort.

What I am saying is that when you are building a life you should first look to what’s possible.

(Striving for what’s impossible is an entirely different matter.)

Take account of your goals and aspirations and look for people that inspire you.

Read stories, go out and meet people, make it impossible for inspiration to not find you.

But if you cannot find anyone, then become so good at what you do that you inspire yourself.

Foster a positive environment around you in your home, work, and relationships.

Because when you contribute to your own greatest good you build momentum, then you’re unstoppable.

Confidence is Key

Trust that you have impeccable taste, and remember that confidence is key.

Whatever you choose to do in this life is up to you—welcome to your very own ‘do-it-yourself’ game.

Now you can decide to ‘do-it-yourself’ in a half-assed way, put it off for tomorrow only for tomorrow to never come.

Or you can get serious. Reps until failure, working tirelessly, laser focused, and deeply mindful.

Working hard gives credence to your own delusional fantasies, then they become reality.

Validate your delusions and make them real because the alternative is not a pretty sight.

Exert your will into the world. This is your gift. Trust your intuition and don’t hold back.

Fortune favors the bold, so don’t approach any matters in this life in a timid way.

You are going to fail many times before you succeed so make sure you have spectacular failures.

(Maybe it could make for a really funny story someday.)

Build a tolerance to failure and rejection, then nothing will stop you.

As long as you don’t stop going after what you want, it’s pretty damn unlikely that nothing will happen.

Find me someone who worked tirelessly at something for a decade and saw no results, I don’t think you will find one.

Think in bigger timelines and don’t give into the instant gratification part of your brain, then your way becomes clear.