Unlocking Reality: Going Beyond Smoke and Mirrors for Authentic Living

Unlocking Reality: Going Beyond Smoke and Mirrors for Authentic Living


Life as we understand it is not actually the way that it is in reality. 

Oftentimes our perceptions are corrupted by our thoughts, senses, beliefs, and innate psychological structures–driving us further from our true goals and aspirations.

Our conscious experience is colored by all sorts of external and internal stimuli, yet these are all just smoke and mirrors to our true desires we hold deep down in our soul.

Many of us try to distract ourselves with pleasure to forget and escape pain and struggle–we party, drink, smoke, fuck, and do all sorts that leave us feeling empty.

We may have glimpses as to the true nature of the universe, and of our true selves, but these are more often than not fleeting. 

But those who can grasp this truth, accept, and integrate it fully into their being are the enlightened ones–in my estimation you are not one of them (and neither am I).

So what should we do?

If most of our reality is a lie, built on false principles, then how are we supposed to live? 

Well that’s where the magic lies… understand that our reality is plastic (like a video game with really good graphics) and we all as humans hold this superpower within us to bend the will of the universe in our favor.

Life has no meaning because life itself is meaning, waiting for you to bring to light the truth of the meaning of life as it exists for you. 

trash jones on X: "oh hell yeah https://t.co/RUAcyl0IAu" / X
‘The realization of the absurdity of life can drive you to nihilism and hedonism or alternatively to your own salvation’

How you frame yourself, the habits and thoughts that populate your life will dictate exactly how it will unfold. 

Take for example someone who is scared to death that they will fail, they won’t even embark on the journey and will never reach their destination. 

But those with seemingly delusional amounts of self-confidence on the outset appear crazy because they dedicate their entire lives to their craft and to the betterment of themselves, rejecting this common consumerist narrative of working a “regular job”, saving up for retirement, buying things they don’t need, and dying only with regret.

People look at them like they are crazy, but they themselves are the crazy ones, because their madness and delusion is precisely why they will succeed.

“Forget safety. Live where you fear to live. Destroy your reputation. Be notorious”

Jalal al-Din Rumi

In the face of total adversity, where failure is always looming in the periphery, this is where champions are forged in fire.


If you feel lost in life, fear not. This fear is a roadmap as to exactly what needs to be done. You are a powerful being but you must focus, you must clear your mind and you must be unrelenting in your pursuit of the life you dream to have and to manifest your most authentic self.